Photography by Linda A. Rossell

Posts tagged “Cats

Beautiful White Cat

This photo makes me a bit sad.  The cat in the photo is named Beautiful White Cat.  Ok, that’s probably not its name, but that what I call it.  I would see this cat nearly every morning on my drive into work, sitting on the fence post and looking into the tall grass.  I would creepily stop in front of someone’s house in the morning and take photos of it.  It’s honestly one of the prettiest cats I’ve ever seen.  This story has a sad ending, though, as one morning, I didn’t see Beautiful White Cat on the fence post, but rather in the road.  I wish its owners would have kept it inside…. such a sad way for a beautiful cat to go 😦  I honor of Beautiful White Cat, I give you this photo…..

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I can’t help but post a few photos of domestic critters on here.  This is Bella, a sweet, young cat we found abandoned at work.  She lived in our shop and slept on our wood pile for a week, and then found a new home with my sister.  I can’t imagine why anyone would dump such a beautiful cat!